Whether you have a business or you are a professional if you do not have an online presence, it’s like you do not have an existence at all in present time. If your business is not online for sure it will be overlooked.
If you have a domain in mind for your business or profession you should book it immediately if it is available. Because each and every domain is unique if it is registered by someone else before you, you will not be able to have it.
You need to keep in mind a few things before buying a new domain name. A .com domain is generally most preferred by popular search engines. Though seo (Search Engine Optimization) scores and ranks depends on a number of facts. The top-level domain (TLD) labels(for ex .com, .net, .org) adds some scores to seo marks to your site. Domains like .com, .net, .org are global domains and domains like .uk, .co.uk, .fr, .ru are country specific. If you want to target users of a particular country, say of UK then you may choose domain that ends with .uk or .co.uk or in case of France or Russia you may choose .fr and .ru domains respectively.
You need to choose a domain that is related to you and easy to remember. In case of any confusion consult experts.
Next is, you need to present it smartly. The color scheme and design layout of the site should be appropriate for your business. If you already have a website and its design is kind of old you should upgrade to modern design. A modern and reach look wins the trust of new customers at first sight. You may choose the design and development package according to your budget and need. You should contact the experts in case you need any assistance in selecting appropriate package for you.
You may install google analytics on your site to keep tack on the incoming traffic. Google analytics is a very good tool to know insights of your web site like visitor are from which country, which browsers or operating systems are most proffered among your users and a lots of other useful information.